This Month in Queer History
Sharing LGBTQ history that is accessible and entertaining!
10 episodes
TMQH: Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
Are you up to date on your Sistory? Get the scoop on the most outrageous protest, performance, and community service group to grace the streets in drag, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, in this episode of This Month in Queer History! <...
Season 1
Episode 9

TMQH: Kissing Doesn't Kill (1989)
In 1989, the artist activist collective Gran Fury unveiled their biggest project yet: "Kissing Doesn't Kill," a poster series that was plastered across buses in San Francisco, Chicago, Washington DC, and New York City. While far from their only...
Season 1
Episode 8

TMQH: Transgender Day Of Remembrance
This is the story of how a protest arranged by trans women in Boston became an international observance.Show Notes/Sources: h...
Season 1
Episode 7

TMQH: The Bathroom Battleground
The US has been in conflict over public restrooms since their inception 1829, from segregation to cruising to anti-trans bathroom bills. In this episode, we dive into why public bathrooms are particularly fraught with moral panics.Sourc...
Season 1
Episode 6

TMQH: Lawrence v. Texas (2003)
Lawrence v. Texas (2003) functionally decriminalized gay life in the US by overturning the anti-sodomy statutes of 13 states, including Texas, but it was argued on similar grounds to Roe v. Wade, making its future tenuous. In this episode of TM...
Season 1
Episode 5

TMQH: The Lavender Panthers
This month we bring you the story of gay vigilantes from the 1970's! Armed with guns and bats, the Lavender Panthers patrolled the streets of San Francisco to protect LGBTQ+ people from homophobic hate crimes from 1973-74. Check o...

TMQH: Pride: From Riots, To Marches, To Parades
In this very special Pride episode of This Month in Queer History, find out how we went from the Stonewall Riots, to Liberation Marches, to the Pride Parades we know and love today! Check out our show notes, linked below, for our sources, as we...
Season 1
Episode 3

TMQH: How To Tell If A Historical Figure Is Gay
You might have seen discussions online about whether certain historical figures are LGBTQ - you may even have wondered yourself whether your favorite historical icons are queer. In this episode of This Month in Queer History, we're giving you t...
Season 1
Episode 2

TMQH: Transgender Day of Visibility
For Transgender Day of Visibility, This Month in Queer History is taking you back in time to 2009, when TDOV was founded. In this episode of TMQH, we explore the history of the holiday and why it's so meaningful to trans people around the...
Season 1
Episode 1

Introducing This Month in Queer History!
CAMP Rehoboth is happy to announce that it has a new podcast! The Altern is now This Month in History, a shortform LGBTQ history podcast focusing on the United States and the 20th century. We will be releasing new episodes soon, alongside remas...
Season 1
Episode 0